HID Introduces SIGNO Readers

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HID Introduces SIGNO Readers

With the HID iClass readers reaching the end of their life cycle, HID has introduced SIGNO, its exciting new signature line offering an unparalleled breadth of functionality and supporting the widest array of credential technologies. HID SIGNO™ sets the industry standard in versatility, performance, and connected capabilities.





Multi-layered security ensures data authenticity and privacy. EAL5+ Certified secure element Hardware. Native OSDP secure channel. Supports iCLASS Elite™ and Corporate 1000 Programs.



Supports the widest range of credentialed technologies including HID Mobile Access® via native Bluetooth and Near Field Communication (NFC).



Ultra-secure storage of cryptographic keys on certified secure element hardware, plus a new surface detection feature that enables the reader to automatically recalibrate and optimize read range performance.


Connected to the Future

All readers include out-of-the-box support for Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) for secure bidirectional communication.


Unlike in traditional security, HID SIGNO readers are designed to be connected and managed remotely without needing to physically touch each device. This functionality empowers access control systems to dynamically respond as new needs, configurations or threats arise.


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If you are interested in a simple and effective approach to secure access control for almost any scenario or to upgrade to SIGNO, call CSS today for more information! (800) 286-2555


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To learn more about customized business security solutions, reach out to California Commercial Security (CCS) at (800) 286-2555 today.